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Riddles 2012

2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


Riddle: What’s the name of the amout of floating electrons which pass an electronic conduction in one second?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: What is the double of the half of 3,75?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: Anton increases the price of his products by 10%. Because less people visit his shop he reduces the price by 10 %. What’s the change of the price opposite the starting price?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: Was haben die Wörter
Organspende, Dachziegel, sauber, Schundroman
gemeinsam, was die Wörter
Lungenentnahme, Fliesen, rein, Groschenroman
nicht haben? Sorry. There’s no translation possible.

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: What do the words
flute, trombone, oboe, fife
have in common but the words
trumpet, violin, cello, drum
don’t have?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: What do the words
pup, eagle, guinea pig, red deer
have in common but the words
zebra, turtle, panda, monkey
don’t have?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: What do the words
buffalo, grasshopper, nightingale, porcupine
have in common but the words
camel, caterpillar, hamster, lobster
don’t have?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: 10 flags are in a row with the same distance from each other. The start is at the first flag. After 4 seconds Thomas reaches the 4th flag. After which time will he reach the 10th flag if the keeps speed?

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Riddle: A triangle related to a pyramid is like a circle to a/an ...

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Riddle: A drop related to a lake is like a tree to a ...

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: Two balloons: one with 20cm diameter, one with 10cm diameter. What happens if you connect the baloons with a tube?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.


Riddle: Which 6 digit prime number contains every digit from 0-5 exactly one time?

Answer: Only visible for logged in users. Click on login or register if you want to see the answer.

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