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Leadership of the departement of ophthalmology in Horn from 1st March 2024.

Since August 2023: Video to the topic "Glasses, contact lenses, laser - How to see clear?" (in German: Treffpunkt Gesundheit der Initiative Tut Gut) online available.

2023: Update confirmations of courseparticipation and Diplomas:
Notarztdekret Heiligenbrunner Fortbildungsdiplom Heiligenbrunner Komplikationsmanagement Katarakt OPs

In April 2022 election to the management of the medical association of lower Austria.

Since January 2021 you can get an electronic reservation confirmation.

Available since July 2020: Confirmations of courseparticipation and certificates significant retrainings:
Zertifikat Vitrectomy Symposium Kontaktlinsen Notarztdekret Heiligenbrunner

Online since October 2019: Austrian Medical Association Diplomas and Certificates
Notarztdekret Heiligenbrunner Fortbildungsdiplom Heiligenbrunner Zertifikat Ultraschall Sonographie Heiligenbrunner Zertifikat Reisemedizin Heiligenbrunner

Since October 2018 you can reserve your consultation online at any time.

September 2018 the first private patient doctor for ophthalmology in Horn inaugurated. Hospital Horn offers wide equipment, so bulk of medical offerings are possible. At Spitalgasse 10, 3580 Horn OA Dr. Heiligenbrunner Stefan embraces your checkups or disorders. As private doctor for all health insurances (caution: no contract with health insurances!) paid fees can be submitted to respective health insurance to receive a partially refund.

September riddle

If a plane crashes on its trip at the exact border between Austria and Germany, where will the survivors be buried?

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